Eating Disorder Treatment Seattle Washington HQ

Eating disorder treatment in Seattle can be difficult to find…let alone obtaining a review. Welcome to the most informational site on eating disorder treatments and centers for bulimia and anorexia in Seattle, Washington.

eating disorder treatment seattle

Eating disorders affect a substantial percentage of the population (not just here in Seattle), of which 93% of those affected are women. While some publications might not give too much notice to this disease, it affects quite a bit of people. Unfortunately, if left untreated, some may suffer to the point of a fatal incident.

These illnesses not only affect the body, they affect the mind. Common types include, but are not limited to: bulimia, anorexia nervosa, and binge eating. All of these disorders and ailments can take a serious toll on one’s mind and body.

A recent Seattle University study revealed the affects that eating disorders have on the human mind. These disorders make a person believe that he or she is overweight. Their self-image is heavily skewed out of proportion with reality. Similarly to how people get addicted to tanning beds and become orange because they think they aren’t tan enough, eating disorders have a similar affect…but with deadly consequences. If left untreated, these illnesses can cause internal organ failure, possibly leading to death.

Treatment centers are available for people all over the country. Eating disorders in Seattle are definitely neither far nor few between. There are many eating disorder treatment centers in Seattle, Washington to choose from. They are all equally equipped to handle a variety of ailments from anorexia to bulimia.

Before resorting to an eating disorder treatment center in Seattle, a person may want to try and gain control of their habits through self-help. Here are two quick ideas for helping yourself.

Self-Help Eating Disorder Treatment

1. Work with a partner or a team.

Outpatient programs can be a tremendous help when aiming to treat your eating disorder. Many of these approaches to treatment help you uncover the core causes of your ailment.

If you don’t have a eating disorder treatment center in your neighborhood – say if you are from a small town – then there are several national agencies to assist you. The NEDA (National Eating Disorder Association) is one that comes highly recommended by healthcare professionals.

Furthermore, there are many local communities, associations, and groups that you can easily find through an online search.

2. Develop positive self-talk.

A common practice in all psychological rehabilitation is to limit our negative self-talk and encourage more positive dialogue with ourselves. Seattle-based treatment centers frequently advise this technique. Whenever you hear your inner voice telling you things that you know are negative, no matter if you believe them to be true or not, just visualize a big STOP sign in your mind’s eye and repeat the word ‘stop’ in your head.

Immediately replace that negative thought with a positive one. It doesn’t really matter if the thought is related to the topic at hand. What matters is that you get yourself out of your downward spiral and pull yourself back to a positive state of mind. This is actually incorporated into several eating disorder treatment centers.

Find Eating Disorder Treatment Centers in Seattle, WA

bulimia anorexia binge eating disorderIf you are struggling with an ailment like anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating, you are not alone. A lot of people have struggled and a lot of people have found hope. There are numerous avenues to help you. You don’t have to see this thing through all by yourself. In fact, many people at treatment centers are willing to help you…not just because it’s their ‘job,’ but because a human life is precious.

Throughout this website, you will find many resources to help you on your journey. With regards to eating disorder treatment centers, Seattle Washington has many centers to give you additional support. From inpatient to outpatient, this website will help you locate the best fit for you. | Eating disorder treatment center seattle

How Do I Know If I Have an Eating Disorder?

how do i know if i have an eating disorderIf you find yourself asking, “How do I know if I have an eating disorder?” You just might have one. In this post, you will find some common symptoms of eating disorders and what to do.

Eating disorders affect both the mind and body. The most common eating disorder in America is Anorexia Nervosa. Affecting females between the ages of 12 – 26 years old, Anorexia is the cause of many deaths in Seattle and throughout the nation.

How Do I Know If I Have Anorexia Nervosa?

If you are wondering if you have an eating disorder, the chances that you are wondering about anorexia are extremely high. Out of all eating disorders, this one is the most common. Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness and should not be taken lightly. 85%-95% of people with anorexia are females between the ages of 12 – 26.

Eating disorders in Seattle have been on the rise, but that doesn’t mean that other regions throughout the United States haven’t seen an increase in this mental illness. Many women are searching if they have this ailment and how to get help.

Want to know if you have an eating disorder like anorexia? Read these statements below and determine their validity in your situation. Be honest with yourself and answer them truthfully.

Even though people tell you that you aren’t fat, you believe you are.

Gaining weight terrifies you.

Purging or restricting your diet gives you a sense of control.

Your body size has an impact on your self worth.

When you feel bad about yourself, you restrict your calories, purge, or exercise compulsively.

You often hide your eating habits from others and may even lie about the way you eat.

Your family and/or friends are concerned about your appearance or eating habits.

The Difference Between Eating Disorders and Dieting

Eating disorders are very rarely the only thing going on in your life. Many people have more than one mental illness, whether it be severe or mild, that attributes to their feelings that lead to eating disorders.

There is nothing inherently wrong with having a mental disorder. There is nothing wrong with having an eating disorder. It is extremely important that you realize, though, that you might have something else going on with your mental health than just an eating disorder.

If you have no previous signs of mental illness, but think that you are getting to a point of no return, read these statements below and determine their validity.

You believe that healthy dieting is a way to control your weight.

You would be happy with yourself regardless of reaching your ideal weight or body type.

Your weight loss through exercising is only to improve your health and/or appearance.

Healthy weight loss is your focus.

What Do I Do If I Have An Eating Disorder?

If this post has given you some direction to, “How do I know if I have an eating disorder?” You still may want some more information. If you are now asking yourself, “I might have an eating disorder, what do I do?”

If you are in Seattle, go to eating disorder treatment center Seattle.

If you aren’t in Seattle, check out NEDA.

Back to eating disorder treatment Seattle.